Startup elements

During startup Windows loads many different programs. They can be:
- services
- configuration utilities
- tray programs
- ordinary applications
Most of them take memory and other system resources what makes your system slower and less stable. Windows Startup Manager allows YOU to decide what to do during startup.

This section explains how to manage startup elements.

Every time you run WSM it checks system registry and StartUp folder for new startup elements. If it finds one, it is added to panel (1). User have the full control over them. You can add new items or remove them (note: by removing any item you won't delete any program associated with it)
This panel can be displayed in two ways: as normal or as extended. We recommend you use the second option as you will get a pictorial information about item's
options. You can change view options using View menu (3)

Every element has the information about how it is handled by WSM. There are four possible settings:

    Default settings - most of the newly found elements and all user added will get this setting. Elements with this setting runs only in the profile in which they are added.

    Before starting shell - this setting will be given to elements from the system registry, normally running before the shell is loaded. Elements with this setting  are started only in the profile in which they are added. User can give this setting to every startup element.

    Before WSM start - this setting will be given to some services (such as automatic network logon). Elements with this setting can't be added to any profile. They will be run every time you start your system. User can give this setting to every startup element, but some programs may cease to run properly.

    Without changes - this setting can be given only be the user to elements added automatically by WSM. It causes that the element remains as it was in the beginning (links will be stored in Startup folder and so on)  Some of them run always, some won't run on clean system. You should only use this setting for elements not working properly with three above settings (don't know any yet).

You can change the settings by:
- right clicking on element and choosing the desired option (from the context menu)
- double clicking on any element (from options window)

See also:
Startup module